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Puntuació mitjana 1154 Ressenyes
Francois Trohay ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
Anna Lamya ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
Erwan Malandain ha valorat a Google

fa 9 mesos
Gwenaelle Pottier ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very large choice of dishes, very fresh. (Original) Très grand choix de plats, très frais.

fa 10 mesos
roselyne dufailly ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Friendly place, smiling staff (Original) Lieu convivial , personnel souriant

fa 10 mesos
Muriel Lebourgeois ha valorat a Google

fa 10 mesos
Véronique RIDEL ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) It was good but a shame that the dishes were not restocked enough. So less choice even when arriving at 1 p.m. The staff is very welcoming and smiling. (Original) C'était bon mais dommage que les plats ne soient pas assez réapprovisionnés. Du coup moins de choix même en arrivant à 13h. Le personnel est très accueillant et souriant.

fa 10 mesos
Véronique Poncton ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) In the top (Original) Au top

fa 10 mesos
veronique notheaux ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Super all you can eat buffet (Original) Buffet à volonté super

fa 10 mesos
Lily Zeggane Ep Arifi ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Too too good 🤤😋 (Original) Trop trop bon 🤤😋

fa 10 mesos

Avís legal

5 Boulevard industriel
76300 Sotteville-les-rouen, France

Lloc web fet amb
per OKO
