
Average score 1134 Reviews
Liasso noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Good overall Fresh and good (Original) Bien dans l’ensemble Frais et bon

9 months ago
Christopher noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very nice decoration, the waitresses are friendly and efficient, even if we don't have time to look at the menu. It's true that they come by with a cart to collect the waste. Otherwise the food is varied, value for money, it's OK (Original) Très belle décoration les serveuses sont sympathique et efficace même trop on a pas le temps de regarder la carte. C'est vrai qu'elles passent avec un chariot pour ramasser les déchets. Sinon la nourriture est varié rapport qualité prix c'est correct

9 months ago
Yves Diallo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Compared to other Chinese restaurants the choice is even more varied and of high quality (Original) Par rapport à d'autres restaurants chinois le choix est encore plus varié et de haute qualité

9 months ago
Aurida Aguergour (Grain de sable) noted on Google

9 months ago
Isabelle Neher noted on Google

9 months ago
B.H A noted on Google

9 months ago
Manon L. noted on Google

9 months ago
MonsterXReborn noted on Google

9 months ago
bruno vincent noted on Google

9 months ago
Jerome d noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Popular and unpretentious place, I enjoy going there with family, everyone finds what they want there. The atmosphere is good-natured, I go back regularly. (Original) Endroit populaire et sans prétention, je prend plaisir à m'y rendre en famille, chacun y trouve son compte. L'ambiance y est bon enfant, j'y retourne régulièrement.

9 months ago

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